Pipeline Implementation


The source S3 bucket has been configured to invoke a Lambda function when a file has been uploaded with extension .csv.

S3 Bucket

The configuration for the source S3 bucket is done using the pipelineā€™s serverless implementation - no manual set up is required for events .

S3 configuration


The lambda function implements the following:

  • Receives S3 notifications

  • Retrieves bucket and file details from the notification

  • Truncates the target table in the target database

  • Makes use of AWS Postgres function that copies data from an csv file in S3 to Postgres to migrate the data

  • Logs any exceptions and errors to Cloudwatch

    Note: The Postgres database and table to match the CSV format needs to be created separately.

How to set up the data pipeline for a project#

Template repository for the data pipeline code implementation

  1. Create a repository for your pipeline by using the above template
  2. Update the code by replacing the names of the existing pipeline to the name of your projectā€™s pipeline
  3. Ensure you populate the specified environment variables in the README file of the repository
  4. Deploy using serverless - this will deploy the Lambda and it will set up an existing S3 bucket with the event it needs to listen for.


  • You need to create the S3 bucket separately and provide the name in the serverless.yml file of the pipeline repository.
  • You need to create the Postgres separately and create the table that will be the ā€œtargetā€ with the same columns as the ones expected to be present in the .csv that will be uploaded to S3