Tactic 1 How to align the team

If the team hasn’t worked together before it can be useful to break down barriers and develop a shared understanding of what people want. Give everyone a pad of Post-Its and ask them to write down:

  1. what they would like to get out of the project and,
  2. on a separate Post-It, what they would like to give to the project.

Ideally, the facilitator would collect these up, put them on a wall and lead a discussion around each of the Post-Its. This technique helps the group share the comment, without necessarily associating it with the person who made it. This can help break down barriers if the team hasn’t worked together before.

This exercise should help identify:

  • Shared and / or conflicting priorities
  • Any gaps in skills or perspectives
  • Any commitments that people have outside the project team

For inspiration Example: The secret to good team working

Written on February 27, 2017

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