Tactic 4 Interview The Experts

You can accelerate your understanding by interviewing just four different experts. Try to interview them as a group to develop a shared understanding. If that’s not possible, then make sure the interviewer presents the findings to the group.

Interview the project sponsor. Understand:

  • What will make this project a success?
  • What’s our unique advantage or opportunity?
  • What’s the biggest risk?

Understand the customer:

  • What are they doing currently to solve this problem?
  • Where are the key pain points?

Understand the subject matter expert:

  • What are the constraints of legislation or policy?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges of existing technology solutions, service design and regulatory arrangements?

Understand previous efforts:

  • What have we already tried?
  • To what extent has it worked and what can we understand from previous attempts?
  • Why does the problem remain?

There are key rules to sharing the outputs:

  • Iterate your existing work, making sure the interviews add colour and detail to your other work - eg amend the map
  • Make the findings visible - eg key statistics on the wall, key quotes
  • Share it across the team - present your findings

For inspiration

Written on February 24, 2017

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