Tactic 9 Making Quick Decisions

It’s important to involve the team in decision-making, partly to reassure everyone that good ideas which you don’t have time to focus on won’t be lost. Getting people to vote through a show of hands can be difficult in a hierarchical context.

Dot voting enables you to quickly come to a group decision.

  1. Give a dot (or a pen to make a dot) to each participant.
  2. Ask everyone to review the goal and sprint questions
  3. Ask everyone to vote (2-4 times, depending on the number of Post-Its) for the most useful ‘How Might We’ questions.
  4. Consider giving the Decider double the number of votes
  5. Take the top HMW Post-Its and put them on the relevant part of the map

For inspiration

An example of dot voting

Written on February 19, 2017

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