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How will I use Amazon Athena to access my database?

1. Access the AWS Management Console

🖱 In your web browser, log in to your AWS account to access the AWS Management Console.

👉 First time AWS Users should start here ► DAP⇨flow📚AWS Console access

2. Familiarize yourself with the console

👁 Take a moment to get comfortable with the layout and check out options available in the AWS Management Console interface.

Fig. 2 & 3 Fig. 2 & 3

3. Open Amazon Athena

🖱 Locate and open Amazon Athena from the services menu.

4. Select your [service workgroup]

👁 Look to the top right corner of the Amazon Athena interface, next to "Workgroup".

🖱 From the list box there, click on to select your [service workgroup].

Fig. 4 & 5 Fig. 4 & 5

5. Select your [service raw zone] database

👁 On the left side of the Amazon Athena interface, below the "Database" section, find the list box and check you can already see your [service raw zone] database.

🖱 If you don't see it there, then simply click on to select your [service raw zone] database from the list box.

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  • AWS Management Console user
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How will I use Amazon Athena to access my database?

Measures the behavior of Amazon Athena when first run and configured by the user:

Given in my web browser, I have access to the AWS Management Console
~and I have familiarized myself with the console interface

When I open Amazon Athena via the console menu system, by clicking on “Athena” whereever it appears
~and I click through any splash screen that might appear, eg. “Explore the Query Editor

Then I will be presented with the Amazon Athena interface
~and up at the right next to “Workgroup”, I should be offered my [service workgroup] from the list box
~and over on the left under “Database” I should be offered my [service raw zone] from the list box.

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