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How do I set up my GitHub access for DAP⇨flow?


1. So you're a DAP⇨flow user, and you're ready to go?

👉 Check you did everything here ► DAP⇨flow📚Before you begin

👉 Have you introduced yourself? Here ► ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline

2. You'll need a GitHub Account

👉 When creating your GitHub account you must use your Hackney email address. Go here ►

3. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

👉 Follow the steps to configure two-factor authentication for your GitHub account here ► GitHub 2-factor authentication for added security

4. Request Access to the dap-airflow repo

👉 Use the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline Google Chat Space to request collaborator access to DAP⇨flow's private repository called dap-airflow.

Fig. 4 Fig. 4

5. Access request granted

The DAP Platform Team will 👉

Fig. 5 Fig. 5

"Weyour feedback!"


  • Your feedback enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service.

  • We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.

  • We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.

    Please use this link to help us understand your user experience!

📚UX Criteria

  • Hackney Google Workspace user
  • Hackney [service] Data Analyst
  • GitHub beginner

How do I set up my GitHub access for DAP⇨flow?

Measures the DAP Platform Team behavior:

Given I am member of the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline Google Chat Space

When I create my GitHub account at using my Hackney email address
~and I set up 2 factor authentication for my GitHub account
~and I request access to the dap-airflow private repository via the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline

Then the DAP Platform Team will acknowledge my request via a reply-thread on the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline
~and ensure I am granted membership of London Borough of Hackney organization on GitHub
~and ensure I can subsequently access the dap-airflow private repository
~and confirm my [service dags] GitHub project folder with link to the there
~and tell me my dap-airflow access is now configured while directing me back to the 📚Onboarding documentation.

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