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How do I raise a "pull request" to merge my [transform branch] back into the main trunk of DAP⇨flow's [dap-airflow] repository?


1. Log into your GitHub account

🖱 Open your web browser and log into your GitHub account using your Hackney email address with two-factor authentication.

👉 Users without a GitHub account or existing GitHub users without membership of the London Borough of Hackney organization, should start here ► DAP⇨flow📚GitHub access

2. Access the dap-airflow repository

🖱 When you are ready, open the dap-airflow repository in your web browser.

3. Switch to your working [transform branch]

👉 If you haven't yet created your [transform branch] then see here how to do that DAP⇨flow📚GitHub branching

🖱 Select the "Code" tab at the top of the repository page.
Fig. 3a Fig. 3a
🖱 Click the dropdown button next to main.
🖮 Start typing your [transform branch] name.
🖱 Find and select your [transform branch] from the menu below.

Fig. 3b Fig. 3b
👁 Your [transform branch] should reappear next to the dropdown button.

👉 If you've yet to commit your [transform SQL] to your [transform branch] then check back here ► DAP⇨flow📚Committing transforms

👉 If you don't remember if you committed your [transform SQL] to your [transform branch] then check here ► 📚Appendix

4. Create your pull request

🖱 Select the "Pull requests" tab at the top of the repository page.
Fig. 4a Fig. 4a
🖱 Click the "New pull request" button on the right.

🖱 Set the base: branch to the main trunk.
Fig. 4b Fig. 4b
🖱 Set the compare: branch to your [transform branch].

🖱 Click the "Create pull request" button.
Fig. 4c Fig. 4c

5. Add the details to your pull request

🖮 Enter a title for your pull request.
🖮 Add a description explaining the changes you have made.

Fig. 5 & 6 Fig. 5 & 6

6. Submit your pull request

🖱 Click the "Create pull request" button below the description on the right.

GitHub should begin the process of pulling your [transform branch] into the main trunk or the dap-airflow repository:
You will be sent an email to confirm that.
A pull request email will be sent to the DAP Platform Team to notify them of your request.

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  • Your feedback enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service.

  • We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.

  • We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.

    Please use this link to help us understand your user experience!

📚UX criteria

  • Hackney Google Workspace user
  • Hackney [service] Data Analyst
  • GitHub beginner

How do I raise a "pull request" to merge my [transform branch] back into the main trunk of DAP⇨flow's [dap-airflow] repository?

Measures the GitHub and dap-airflow repository behavior:

Given in my web browser, I am logged on to my GitHub account using my Hackney email address with two-factor authentication
~and I am granted membership of London Borough of Hackney organization on GitHub incorporating the dap-airflow private repository
~and I previously committed my [transform].sql file, containing my [transform SQL], to my current [transform branch]
~and I have not previously raised a pull request on my [transform branch]

When I access the dap-airflow repository
~and I select the "Code" tab at the top of the repository page
~and below that, I click on the "main" dropdown button
~and I begin typing my [transform branch]
~and below that, I select my [transform branch] so that my [transform branch] reappears above next to the dropdown button
~and I select the "Pull requests" tab at the top of the repository page
~and I click the "New pull request" button over on the right
~and I set the base: branch to the main trunk
~and I set the compare: branch my [transform branch]
~and I click on the "Create pull request" button
~and I add a title for my pull request and a description explaining the changes I have made
~and below on the right, I click the "Create pull request" button

Then GitHub should begin the process of pulling my [transform branch] into the main trunk or the dap-airflow repository ~and I will be sent an email confirming that
~and a pull request email will be sent to the DAP Platform Team.

Scale of 13 to 16 ~and flow features.


How will I know?

Let's assume you set up your [transform branch] earlier but then you got distracted so, now, you are not certain if you actually committed your [transform SQL] to a [transform].sql file.

So, how will you know if you did or you didn't?

Those that have GitHub integrated with their editors eg. Visual Studio Code can quickly pull up a Git Graph to simply find out. But what if you only have GitHub's web interface available, because you are on a Chromebook or you don't have a local copy of the repository?

Here's a neat trick you can use!

You must be logged into your GitHub account for this to work...

🖱 Use the following link to open a separate new tab in your web browser:[transform branch]

🖮 Then replace all the text immediately after ref= with the name of your [transform branch] before hitting Enter.
Fig. 3-tip-a

👁 Then below, GitHub should appear with your [transform branch] showing.
Fig. 3-tip-b
👁 If, below that, you get the message "No activity matched your search" then you can be certain you never actually committed a [transform].sql file.

👉 If you did not commit your [transform SQL] to your [transform branch] then check back here ►DAP⇨flow📚Committing transforms

👁 Otherwise, you should see a list of one-or-more commits to your [transform branch].

🖱 But if you are not sure about those, then you can click on after each commit message and select "Compare changes"
Fig. 3-tip-c
👁 Then, on the next screen you will be presented with a list of changes that should remind you what you actually did!

👉 If you are not sure you have properly committed your [transform SQL] to your [transform branch] then you should retrace your steps here ►DAP⇨flow📚Committing transforms