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What must happen before I can begin DAP⇨flow?


1. Is your [service]’s data now available on the Data Analytics Platform (DAP)?

Your [service] manager or the DAP Platform Team will have told you about this.

2. Are you using your Hackney Council Google Account?

You’ll always need to be logged into your Hackney Council Google account via your web browser when following the DAP⇨flow onboarding tasks.

3. Your manager must add you to the DAP Access Google Group

Ask your [service] manager to add your name to the DAP Access Google Group, aka your [service workgroup]. Your manager may need to contact the DAP Platform Team if this is their first time adding someone to the group.

4. Access granted!

Once your name is added, you will be granted

5. You’ll receive an email, welcoming you to DAP⇨flow

Check for an email from the DAP Platform Team welcoming you to the DAP. This email will present you with the following information needed to begin using the DAP⇨flow and while following the 📚Onboarding documentation:

  • Your [service workgroup] confirming your workgroup in Amazon Athena and other places
  • Your [service role] needed to access the AWS Management Console
  • Your [service raw zone] as the database where you will find your ingested data
  • Your [service database] confirming where your data actually came from

You will be directed and encouraged to use the following DAP⇨flow resources linked in the email:

👉 ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline
The Google Chat Space where you will interact with the DAP Platform Team when you encounter blockers or need to chase a request while performing a task.

"Please take the time now to go there and introduce yourself!"

👉 DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding
Where you will find all of your 📚Onboarding documentation. Whatever your experience or ability, you should be able to jump in and get going at the appropriate place in your onboarding experience.

"Go ahead and take a look!"

👉 DAP⇨flow UX Feedback
Where you can give your feedback, which enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service by helping us understand your user experience.

"Weyour feedback!"

"Weyour feedback!"


  • Your feedback enables us to improve DAP⇨flow and our Data Analytics Platform service.

  • We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.

  • We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.

    Please use this link to help us understand your user experience!

📚UX Criteria

  • Hackney Google Workspace user
  • Hackney [service] Data Analyst

What must happen before I can begin DAP⇨flow?

Measures the DAP Platform Team behavior and the agency of the [service] manager:

Given my [service] was already set up as a DAP department
~and I have a Hackney Council Google account

When my [service]manager puts my name in the DAP Access Google Group for my [service workgroup]

Then I will be granted appropriate access to the Hackney Council AWS Console
~and I will be granted membership of a community channel
~and I will receive an email from the DAP Platform Team welcoming me to DAP⇨flow
~and that email will give me the list of information I need to begin using DAP⇨flow while following the 📚Onboarding documentation:

  • [service workgroup]
  • [service role]
  • [service raw zone]
  • [service database]

~and that email will direct to the next DAP⇨flow📚Onboarding resource I will need.

Scale of 4 to 5 ~and flow features.