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How do I create [transform branch] as my new working branch of DAP⇨flow's [dap-airflow] repository?


1. Log into your GitHub account

🖱 Open your web browser and log into your GitHub account using your Hackney email address with two-factor authentication.

👉 Users without a GitHub account or existing GitHub users without membership of the London Borough of Hackney organization, should start here ► DAP⇨flow📚GitHub access

2. Access the dap-airflow repository

🖱 When you are ready to begin, open the dap-airflow repository in your web browser.

3. Create [transform branch] as your new working branch

🖱 Select the "Code" tab at the top of the repository page

Fig. 3 Fig. 3

🖱 Below that, click on the "main" branch dropdown button menu.

🖮 Type [transform branch] as the name as your new working branch.

🖱 Below that on the dropdown menu, click on "Create branch [transform branch] from main."

4. Verify [transform branch] is now your working branch

👁 Check your "[trannsform branch]” has replaced "main" as your working branch.

Fig. 4 Fig. 4

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  • We encourage all our users to be generous with their time, in giving us their recollections and honest opinions about our service.

  • We especially encourage our new users to give feedback at the end of every 📚Onboarding task because the quality of the onboarding experience really matters.

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  • Hackney Google Workspace user
  • Hackney [service] Data Analyst
  • GitHub beginner

How do I create [transform branch] as my new working branch of DAP⇨flow's [dap-airflow] repository?

Measures the GitHub and dap-airflow repository behavior:

Given in my web browser, I am logged on to my GitHub account using my Hackney email address with two-factor authentication
~and I am granted membership of London Borough of Hackney organization on GitHub incorporating the dap-airflow private repository
~and [transform branch] will be the name of my new working branch
~and I am member of the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline Google Chat Space

When I access the dap-airflow repository
~and I select the "Code" tab at the top of the repository page
~and below that, I click on the "main" branch dropdown button menu
~and I type [transform branch]
~and click "Create branch [transform branch] from main" below that on the dropdown menu

Then "[transform branch]” should replace "main" as my working branch
~and GitHub will alert me via email if there are errors or warnings
~and I will have information that I can pass to the DAP Platform Team via the ☎️DAP⇨flow Hotline if I encounter errors or need assistance.

Scale of 6 to 9 ~and flow features.